i must have been really, and i mean
REALLY good in my past life.
i get some of the
COOLEST STUFF for free! today-- no exception! this evening tyler and i went to a family dinner at his aunt and uncle's house where were greeted at the door by his uncle steve who first apologized to tyler for what he was about to say, and then informed me that there had been an old sewing machine in front of a neighbor's house
all day long with a "free- take me" sign taped to it.
we hauled ass and there it was... my beautiful new singer 301.
why is that photo yellow? my walls in there are blue! weird. anwho, its soooo pretty! i checked the serial numbers on it and it dates to 1950, when they first came out. it is in incredible shape, runs impeccably, and came with a bunch of goodies!
buttonholer, hem feet, gathering foot, bobbins, tracing paper, blah, blah, blah...
look at the cool case the button holer is in--
according to the ol' interweb this machine is
'the best straight stitch machine ever made' and i have to say, so far it seems like that might be accurate! as soon as i plugged this in and threaded the needle and bobbin, it ran flawlessly.
the pink and green thread were already there. i promise im not making
anything that bizarre right now.
so it's totally safe to say i am blown away by this sewing machine. i've been prancing around the house all night singing show-tune type songs to tyler about how much i love this sewing machine. (now that i mention it, this is probably why he turned off the lights and went to bed early...) not only is the machine awesome, but so is the desk it came in. i read online that this was the first sewing machine that could go from portable machine to desk, and i was like, "'the hell do they mean? this beezee is stuck in this desk!" which was understandable to assume, this is the view looking down--
i dont know if this makes sense... those are my knees poking
out from my grey dress... use your imagination or something.
then i fiddled around and found out the foot pedal is just in this little nook and i could take it out with ease, making this a portable machine. dur.
once again, i am an idiot
the way it is set up, to sew you slightly push in a lever hanging from the desk bottom with you right knee. i like this, and would probably keep it this way, except my
consew has a lever like this to raise the foot and after
last week's accident, i dont need to confuse stopping and going on that machine! so, pedal to the ground.
so it looks like ive got my weekend planned out. i will be playing with this while i finish up a big project ive been working on for the next few days!