well, here is a wrap up of my weekend before the new weekend starts!
first, here is my fourth of july dress! i finished it up on the 2nd and wore it out friday night to a big art event in town which had some amazing highlights! my favorite was a large woman in a denny's uniform who kept whipping tyler in the ass!
i made it from this butterick reproduction:
and then i ended the night with two HUGE blisters on the bottom of each foot from my super wedges i wore. sucked.
so then saturday was 'nurse a hangover day' and sunday i went to the river with some friends, audrey booboo and tyler's family. it was sooooooo nice and the weather was beautiful! after that we went to see fireworks which was also beautiful.
on monday me, my momma, my sister and our brother's fiancee roxy all went to blanco state park where roxy and i developed the most mad crawfish catching skills of all time.
oh wait, that was us being total whimps! f those pinchers!we did catch them eventually! we made a system- i would pin them down with a stick and roxy would pick them up! shes braver than i am... but in my defense, those were friggin' lobster sized beasts!
yeah! like tom and huck!
yeah! like tom and huck!
it was pretty nice out there. a couple of fellas came by to do some fishing... i think our high pitch squeals ran them off, so we had the whole dam to our selves! it was best that way, because after mom and kathy had been laying down in the stream for a while and then realized they were COVERED in leeches, they were able to scream and run and freak out in private.
it was hilarious. luckily for them it wasn't this kind:

it was hilarious. luckily for them it wasn't this kind:

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